My dinning room was the first room redone. It had blue flower wall paper and blue paint under the chair border. It was bad. One day I got it in my head to rip down all the wall paper. If its down we are one step closer to tackeling it right? Right! Sure enough it encouraged the hubby to get some paint and make some decisions. So what we have now is the following.

The curtains were originally going to go in the living room, but I ended up liking the ones first hung in here and moved them to the living room with the intentions of replacing these with matching ones from the other room. Problem with clearance items is that they aren't always there! So I stuck with these and have come to like them. The light fixture was brass and we spray painted it "hammered nail" for an instant pick up. We also took off the plad lampshades that was one them. Imediatly better.

You can see the kitchen from this point of view. The clock was a wedding present and didn't have anywhere to hang when the kitchen was finished. It actually sat in the basement for a few months before we got the idea of putting it here. When looking for somethign to put on the wall I kept gravitating to clocks and thought "Well, duh, I have one!" It was a great day when we hung that up and got a step closer to finishing this room.

This is a buffet table that I fell in love with last year. I am sure it will forever be in our house. The decorations are what are left over from Christmas. The picture frame is not usually in that room, the clock was in the basement waiting a home and the pictures are recently purchased in hopes of going on that wall. They won't stay. They will however probably go in the guest room.
Yesterday I bought 6 bronzy-wood picture frames from Target. They were originally 14.99 and I got them for like 3.45! I almost all they had in that style. They were only avialable at that price in 10x13. Now that is a little big for me...and will require some creativity if I stick with the idea but for now it was a bargin I couldnt pass up.
I figure I can go about this two ways use the frames and create something like this...

or this... 
Or I can scrap the same frames idea and do something more like this...
The white mats keep the look clean by connecting them all with a similar look.
I could easily rock this look. I have shelves not being used that match the wood in the room and frames of different sizes would be easier to fill. I could also include no picture opjects on the wall if needed.
So... Mis matched or clean lines? Either way, what do you put in all those HUGE frames?
Abstract photos in huge frames?? AND the Dining room looks incredible!!! I had only seen the before pictures and I LOVE the changes!
ReplyDeleteYou are such a joy. Thank you!