Monday, May 09, 2011


So We are moving. Did I mention that? We are... and I have been doing my Internet house hunting for quite some time. I have been finding houses that spark my interest by either the great bargain I hope they offer or just the amazingness that it may be.

This house is one of those "amazing" houses. Look at that picture. I already want to live there. Surrounded by giant trees and pretty flowers. Does it really need to be better then that?

If this was a forever home I would have plans to extend that porch all across the front and maybe to the side knocking that "all season" room off...or keeping it.  But it just looks so darn freaking cozy! Yeah, I'm country at heart. You know the kind that wears the hat and the boots but doesn't want to get dirty and really doesnt' know much about animals or producing... that kind.

Did I mention it has a barn? Well it does and its red and amazing! I'm not sure at all what I would do with a huge barn. Parties maybe? Horses? Ultimate dog house? But its amazing so I don't care. Cats, we'll have some mice cats.

It also has a large garage... not that you need it with that barn, but this is nice to have. All that extra space is perfect for Hubb's projects. Now projects won't kick me out of the garage like it has for the last month. 

A garden? Sure, right here would be fine!

Shade trees for the dogs and a bench why not?!

OH! A few more flowers? If I must

But the inside... oh the inside. It looks as country as the outside. Part of my country at heart does not include inside chicken art or plaid. Plaid should be in bright colors for quilts and chickens should be outside laying eggs.

The multi colored stairs and excessive wallpaper are a bit much. Just not my style.

Two dinning rooms? Also just left of the stairs looks to be a mauve bathroom.

But if nothing else it is seems huge. re purposed living room I think! All that wall paper can come down, white the trim, change the light (!) and move in some couches!

The eat in kitchen. Can't figure out if the brick is original or "wallpaper". But I bet that "built in" was a window back in the day. 

Knotty Pine! Oh so Knotty! Paint this white too please! See that brick... there is edging right above the counter top. Pretty sure that means its fake. Bummer.
Decent size. Largest kitchen to date. Possibly even the largest I have even seen in "real life" you know, not in magazines and such.

The fire place I could work with. I would love to decorate a mantel, but the seagull themed wall paper has to go with the rest.

 The bedroom photos are kind of difficult to figure out whats going on and the hallways and bathroom pictures are fuzzy, but I'll conclude the show and tell with this little beauty....

 yeah that is a sewing machine and possible sewing room. Now if all that open space outside didn't do it for you this should!

I really like this house. Mostly because it really would be move in ready and I would just have to rip down wallpaper as I go. Easy enough... ha!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Snatch this puppy up! Rent a steamer go to town on the horrible wallpaper, oh my! Although I would have to leave the kitchen cabinets. Not my style, but dayum, they look high quality! (Plus T would have a heart attack if I tried painting over wood!)
    If you buy this, I will live with you and help you take down wallpaper. I want a barn.
