Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hair Color

Alright. I have made an attempt to start taking before and after pictures. I mean... isn't that what blogging is all about? Showing how your project started, all the steps in between, and the finished project? So yesterday I got a need to color my hair. It happens every now and then. I get to thinking about the last time it was cut or colored and nothing else is going to get accomplished until my hair gets its make over. Now... I don't always take this seriously. Friends might remember the $20 hair cut with scissors and a Bic razor. Granted that resulted in me getting it fixed and that was the best hair cut of my life!

Anyways! Last night I grabbed a bottle of dye after looking at the isle for oh... .2 seconds and went home. Here ya go....

The Before... light brown... maybe a little grey

The first layer..."I might be a strawberry blonde after this!" was my thought
half way through "Wow that's really dark... and red"
"OMG! That is red. I might love this"
"Huh? where did the red go?" I only noticed that it was red in the picture... and its only the top half, the underneath is still my dark brown.

This is the only problem with dying your own hair... it doesn't always take the way it needs too. But then again I guess its more natural that not every single part of my hair is strawberry blonde (not that any one is...)

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