Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Bee Blocks

OK... so I have gotten mail from Australia, London, and North Caroline all in the last two weeks. I have opened up their packages, read their friendly notes, and put them a side. I have not touched them again have not thought about them. Have not worked on them Sam I am. I have been a bad worker bee. I would like to say I have been a busy bee... but that's not the case either. My machine is broken. Well annoyed at me actually I think. I haven't changed the needle since... um... well I dont' remember but this much sewing later I am surprised it hasn't just broken. I also haven't gotten my machine professionally cleaned or repaired. Not that my machine is amazing and needs to be "kept up" but the layers of fuzz and string could be removed by a professional and not me just closing my eyes and blowing it out the best I can.

So... In attempt to finish wedding gifts I have ripped and ripped and ripped some more on the string. I finally gave up and came to the conclusion the machine needs remodeled. Cleaned and new parts added would do the trick I'm sure. That I figured out a few days ago. Then I got sick... and just haven't bothered. Oh... I know. I feel like a bad hobbyist! Is that a word? (must be spellcheck found it) I can't imagine how people are able to bust out quilts as quickly as they do... I am down to less then two months to get a bunch of "Christmas Projects" finished before I go home. I intended to make sure they get there then so that I can see them open them. Also needless to say the wedding presents need to be finished. Not to mention the reason for the post... 3 blocks waiting to be put together and sent back by the end of the month. Lordy I should shut the computer off, throw it away, and never look back.

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