Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Diamond quilt

This is my beloved Diamond Quilt. I have volunteered to do a quilt for my college sorority for our chapter houses' 90th anniversary. We are raising money for a large scholarship. Yes I could just give money, but this is more fun!

Our colors are Azure blue, diamonds, and violets. I really didn't find anything with violets and figured I would just leave those out since I figured they would give a traditional look that I wasn't going for. I attempted to pick just blue fabric, but there honestly wasnt' enough in one shade to pull of a whole quilt, at least not what I had in mind. So I started pulling blue and brown fabrics which then expand into blue, brown, and a teal. You can kind of tell the variations in the pictures, but it really is close enough that as a whole you cant tell.

During April and into May quite a few swaps asked for string blocks. 8 or 10 or 12 inch square. That got me thinking... If I do a rectangle would diamonds instead of squares appear!? So I did a very primal drawing/mock up and figured it would work. A google search confirmed that it was indeed possible. I cut up note book paper into 7.5x10.5 rectangles. Cut a white strip of tone on tone 1 inch thick and glued it down the middle of my paper until I ran out of fabric. Then I cut my blues and browns down into strips starting at 2inch down to 1. Then I paper pieced these 8 blocks above. Didn't want to get too far if they didn't work out. Didn't think about that though before I cut up all my fabric! Luckily it worked out. Now I just have to get back to making more blocks! I haven't decided if I'll do a whole quilt in diamonds of if I'll do a "boarder" of diamonds and do a large white center with the letters of the house. I wanted this to be a "grown up" quilt since that is who will have to money to attend this function and be able to throw money into the auction, but big letters screaming "XYZ" house seems more collegiate then alumnae. We'll see how large my quilt is after I use the fabric I have now. That will probably be the deciding factor.

1 comment:

  1. Could you put the crest in the center instead of the letters? Crests are fancy!
